How to Make Journaling a Habit
Most people have tried to keep a journal at some point in their lives. While some can consistently scribble away in a diary, many of us have fallen off track and tend to stop writing after a few days.
There are many benefits to keeping a journal. For instance, it can help you achieve goals, have a personal account of past events, and help you process difficult emotions. Benefits such as these make it worth it to incorporate journaling into your daily life.
Like all habits, journaling takes diligence, commitment, and a desire to maintain the habit. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to help you grow your journaling habit!

Select Your Favorite Journal and Stationery
Having your favorite journal and stationery objects can be a great motivator. You will look forward to opening your pristine notebook of choice and selecting your favorite pen or pencil to write about your day. You can even get creative and use different colored pens to signify different emotions you have felt throughout the day. There are plenty of different types of notebooks that you can use, so try a few out and decide what works best for you.
If you feel particularly inspired, you can even use other stationery objects like stickers, markers, or colorful washi tape to decorate your journal. Having the right stationery objects can make journaling all the more enjoyable, which will make you want to continue the habit.

Create a Journaling Routine
When you are starting to journal, the best way to make it a habit is to journal at the same time every day. Choose a time that will allow you to reflect on all that has happened throughout the day. Always make time to journal so that you can stay consistent. The more you make it a natural part of your day, the easier it will be to remember to journal. An example of a journaling routine would be to journal every night after you shower and before you go to sleep. By including journaling into your daily routine, your diary habit will cultivate in no time!

Write Judgement Free
A journal is meant to be private, so there is no judgment from others about what you write and how you write. But sometimes, our most prominent critics are ourselves. Don’t worry about making mistakes or trying to make sure that your sentences sound flawless. Journaling is a fun activity that is solely meant for yourself. When writing in your diary, try to write with the flow of your thoughts. Don’t overcorrect yourself, or journaling may become a tedious task that feels like a mental chore.

Write A Little Bit Every Day
Even if you feel like your day was largely uneventful or super busy, try to write at some point during the day. Of course, you don’t need to write pages and pages of thoughts every day, but part of making something a habit is consistency. By writing each day, you can continue making journaling part of your daily routine.

1 comment
Those journal pics looks so aesthetic 😍. They are so lovely and beautiful.